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How Laura Khalil's Uphill Corporate Battle Has Made Her a More Successful Entrepreneur


Laura Khalil's headshot

Meet Laura Khalil, Founder of Brave by Design, an organization creating programs revolutionizing the way entrepreneurs approach sales.

Laura’s entrepreneurial journey is a testament to her resilience. She started her business after earning what she humorously refers to as an “unofficial Ph.D. in getting laid off.” In the male-dominated startup world, Laura faced criticism for being too aggressive and was told to smile more and soften her language. So in 2013, she launched her marketing consultancy and quickly landed contracts with Fortune 500 companies despite having no prior connections. Recognizing the value of her experiences, she developed the Elevate Framework, which has since helped more than 100 consultants achieve outstanding results. In fact, nearly every week in her program, Laura hears from clients who are signing the biggest deals of their careers, a testament to the profound impact of her work. 

We had the opportunity to interview Laura, delving into her background, the challenges she has faced, and the impactful solutions Brave by Design offers.

Photo of Laura Khalil standing with legs crossed

Tell us the story behind your company’s founding. How and why did you start working on Brave by Design?

I started my business because I was collecting what I like to call an unofficial Ph.D. in getting laid off. I worked in the male-dominated startup world and was frequently penalized, not for my work, but for who I was. I was told I was too aggressive, too feisty, and that I needed to smile more, soften my language, and be nicer to men. This went on for years. After my last layoff in 2013, I finally mustered up the courage to launch my marketing consultancy, where, much to my surprise, I began getting contracts with Fortune 500—despite having no connections into these organizations.

I very quickly realized all the traits I've been penalized for as a woman and a full-time employee were my greatest assets as a leader and entrepreneur. I was working with some of the largest brands in the world who really valued my input. It was through this experience that I learned what I like to call, “the benefits of being a bitch.” My confidence, clarity, and courage to go after what I wanted landed me some really great clients. 

Today, my business has evolved to providing entrepreneurs with the support I wish I had received as a consultant. It’s become part of my mission to help women make serious money so we can rebalance the scales of financial justice and make lasting change in our communities, capitals, and classrooms.

What problem does Brave by Design solve? 

We are focused on helping solopreneurs in professional services learn how to massively uplevel their businesses with bigger corporate deals without sacrificing their lives. The Elevate Framework is my core methodology, developed over my years of signing more than $100,000 contracts. I’ve had the pleasure of shepherding over 100 business owners through Elevate to fantastic results. 

What were the most difficult and most impactful lessons you’ve learned starting and running a company?

I spent years thinking that I was one lucky break away from my business exploding. And when those lucky breaks didn’t occur, I’d get really down on myself. 

Over time, I’ve realized that it’s not one thing that’s going to catapult my business. An overnight success is years in the making through dozens of small activities. Learning to love the journey, rather than try to rush toward a destination, is the greatest gift that entrepreneurship has taught me.

What’s the biggest misconception that others have around entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is a game. And the game requires consistency, focus, and sticking with it, even when it gets hard. That type of mental fortitude isn’t something we are naturally born with. It comes with time, experience, therapy, and building strong peer networks where we can lift one another up. 

Most entrepreneurs learn quickly that growing a business is the biggest personal-development project of your life. It will trigger all those fears, doubts, and worries and bubble them up to the top. You cannot hide from yourself or blame anyone else for how your business is going because the buck stops here. It takes a lot of inner work to manage your nervous system as you go through the inevitable highs and lows of running a business. 

We dare you to brag. What achievements are you most proud of?

I’ve really dedicated my life to helping entrepreneurs grow both profitable and sustainable businesses. So when they win, I feel like I’ve won too. Nearly every week in my Elevate program, I hear from clients who are signing the biggest deals of their careers. You can see the joy in their faces with the relief of knowing they are truly experiencing abundance. But not all the wins are financial. I have a client who’s going to Europe for the first time in her life and another who is taking her young son around the world. 

Money isn’t good or evil. It’s a tool that provides access. And seeing my clients become able to access their dreams is very gratifying. 

Laura Khalil's headshot smiling facing forward

What would you tell your younger self if you were to start your entrepreneurial journey all over again?

Stop trying to figure out everything about the business before opening the doors. You can only see so much of the path from the starting line. I see a lot of entrepreneurs try to plan fifty steps ahead, before walking the first step. Ultimately, that’s a stalling tactic. Just start. 

The path is not linear. It will be increasingly revealed to you as you begin your entrepreneurial journey. It also isn’t the same for everyone. You’ll probably head in directions you never even imagined based on opportunities and experiences you gain along the way. 

Take one step every day. Tune out the shiny objects. Keep at it, and in a year, you’ll be amazed at how far you’ve gone.

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