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Natalie Nicole Is Helping Brands Pack a Punch While Making a Difference. Here’s How.

Natalie Nicole headshot photo

Meet Natalie Nicole, the Brand Strategist and Designer at Impackedful Creative, an agency helping brands to not just stand out but stand up for something meaningful. 

Natalie’s journey began in 2018 when she felt a calling to serve as a missionary in Africa. This leap of faith ultimately revealed her true purpose and inspired the creation of Impackedful Creative, merging a passion for branding with helping those in need. With every project, the agency is committed to making a global impact, donating a portion of its profits to organizations dedicated to nourishing and educating children. For Natalie, this is more than just a company; it’s a movement to empower brands to do good while succeeding as a business.

During our conversation, Natalie shared her story of transforming a personal calling into a powerful business model, the most meaningful impacts Impackedful Creative has had thus far, and what’s next for her and her company.

Tell us the story behind your company’s founding. How and why did you start working on Impackedful Creative?

With a tug on my heart, I followed a calling to serve as a missionary in Eswatini, Africa in 2018. I witnessed extreme poverty, starving children, and the need for economic empowerment as locals faced severe hardships after the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Upon reflecting on my time serving, I knew I wanted to continue helping from afar when I returned home to the United States. I decided to mesh my passion for the creative world with my passion for feeding those in need to develop my business Impackedful Creative. Within a year, I committed fully to my business. Now, I empower brands to make a difference as I continue to make one with my own business. We donate a portion of our profits to leave people saying, “I’m packed full.” I also lead trips back to Africa to further the efforts of the partners on the ground who provide sustainable support to locals in need. I couldn’t imagine working daily on anything else. My passion and purpose lies in this work.

Image of Natalie Nicole sitting while typing on a laptop

What are some of the most meaningful impacts Impackedful Creative has had so far? 

Not only does Impackedful Creative help businesses strategically stand out and make an impact in their respective space, but we also donate a portion of our profits to initiatives that help feed, clothe, and educate children in need. In addition, Impackedful has put on community packing events in partnership with local organizations, such as Feed My Starving Children, to tie the community to making an impact. Recently, our Impackedful community event gathered 250 volunteers in the city of Dallas to pack 50,000 meals, which we sent all over the world to some of the most famished areas. With more than 200,000 meals and counting provided through projects, kids' lives are being changed. As children receive nourishment, they gain the energy and mental capacity to learn and develop skills that not only benefit their own lives but also positively impact others.

Photo of Natalie Nicole's hands holding a phone with designs displaying on the screen

In what ways has your upbringing or past experiences contributed to how you operate as an entrepreneur?

As a young girl, my parents fostered work ethic within me. My father started a business back in 2002, and my mother ended up joining forces to help him. Beyond watching them put in the work to scale their own business to keep a roof over our family’s head and food on our table, I also learned how to put the work in myself. I was required to pay for my gas in my truck for my 30-minute commute to school, which meant getting a job at 15 to cover it and also start saving for college. While I once envied kids who were handed things in life while feeling like I got the short end of the stick, I now realize how blessed I am to have had parents that instilled work ethic and belief in me from a young age. I am confident that I will succeed because I have the necessary characteristics and mindset for making things work. These very attributes have become vital to the way I currently operate. The entrepreneurial journey brings many unknowns and trials, and it often requires grit, fortitude, and unwavering determination to make things work. Now, I eagerly anticipate the future with a smile, knowing that I am prepared for whatever challenges lie ahead in this journey, trusting in my ability to overcome them.

Meshing my passion for the creative world with my passion for feeding those in need, I empower brands to make a difference as I continue to do the same.

Have you ever felt like you’re “different”? If yes, in what ways has this contributed to your journey as an entrepreneur?

Oh, yes. However, I have learned to embrace what makes me different—my drive, values, personality, approach, and so on. I’ve learned to love the grind of working on my business, even though it’s quite different from the hours the average person may work. I’ve also learned that it’s okay for people not to understand my lifestyle. I’ve had to let go of friends who don’t align with the direction I’m headed or the work hours required to accomplish my goals. In fact, I moved states to have a fresh environment that allows me to fully commit my attention to building a life that fosters growth. Overall, I’ve learned to love what makes me different. Now, my job is to help others embrace what makes them different too by helping them build their brand and capturing their uniqueness through visuals that pack a punch.

Photo of Natalie Nicole walking outside

What’s the biggest misconception that others have around entrepreneurship?

That everyone has it figured out. I think too many people wait for the perfect time to start a business or pursue their passion. There is never a perfect time, but there is action. Of course, I’m not recommending quitting your day job without a plan in place or savings in the bank. But you do have to take the leap and start learning. Do your research, network, and learn from people who are further along than you are. Tap into what I call “YouTube University.” There’s a video for practically everything out there nowadays. Take the time to sharpen your skills. Over time, you’ll find your groove and the knowledge needed to succeed in your work. It’s time to stop searching for the next internet guru to give you the magic keys or blueprint to succeed. It’s time to believe in yourself and be willing to learn how to make things work. While it can seem like a daunting and lonely journey, I encourage those looking to become an entrepreneur to find a community of other business owners to lean on when times get tough. You’ll find that no one has it all figured out. But together you can brainstorm, encourage each other, overcome obstacles, and work toward making this world a better place one day at a time.

Have you felt like giving up? What made you persist?

More than once, I’ve felt like giving up. I’m not afraid to admit that business ownership is no easy endeavor. It can be very difficult. However, I’ve learned to foster a routine and the characteristic of discipline to sharpen my resilience. When times get tough, I remember my why. I have purpose behind my work, and it makes the tough times worth getting through. I put routine and structure in place for my days to ensure I’m keeping my mind right. One of those daily habits is reflecting on my God-given dream to make a difference through my work. I truly believe that we all want to help in some way, whether that's improving people’s lives, this planet, helping animals, and so on. As humans, we have an innate desire to live for something bigger than ourselves. Find something you deeply care about and tie your work to it. You’ll find the toughest times are easier to persist through when you have a “why” fueling you. 

Photo of Natalie Nicole walking while holding a laptop

What’s next for you and Impackedful Creative?

As Impackedful Creative continues to scale, so does our impact. I’m on a mission to help more small businesses meet their goals by continuing to expand my team and broaden our creative capabilities. By doing so, more children will become fed and educated in addition to the impact Impackedful is helping businesses make with their own platforms. My goal is to inspire other business owners who I work with to make a significant impact with their business too. Donating profits is just the beginning for my business. I can’t wait to bring more big dreams to life through Impackedful Creative and transform lives all along the way.

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