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Our community gives your business a competitive edge.

Catalyze expansive success with a curated community and PR Hype Machine™.

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What is it like being a Dreamers & Doers member?

an excerpt from a Dreamers & Doers segment on WCVB-TV (affiliated with ABC).
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Excerpt from Dreamers & Doers segment on ABC TV.

LIZ LONG Founder, Learn to Make a Product ✦ Member since 2015

A vibrant sunburst with colorful lines as a decor element

How does Dreamers & Doers amplify you?

A vibrant colorful circular shape as a decor element

More pictures of actual members.
...aren’t they dreamy?

A collage of three women of color smiling joyfully

Highly curated community

The magic and impact of Dreamers & Doers is a direct result of the extraordinary women who make up our collective. 

Your fellow members are
diverse, impressive, and values-driven. They are venture-backed founders, entrepreneurs who never intend to raise, investors, journalists, startup operators, innovation experts, and more. What we have in common is our shared desire to disrupt the status quo—together. 

PR Hype Machine™

A vibrant colorful circular shape as a decor element
A vibrant sunburst with colorful lines as a decor element
A screenshot from Forbes' article "These Women Capitalized On Their Failures And Scaled To 7 Figures"

As a Dreamers & Doers member you are supported by a dedicated editorial teamaka your "PR Hype Machine". We work with powerful content partners to provide you with news-worthy and convenient opportunities to show up in reputable publications, podcasts, stages, and more. 

Build credibility, establish yourself as a thought leader, and maximize your impact on the world with our agile approach to PR (and at a
fraction of the cost of a traditional PR agency or publicist). 

Trajectory-shifting resources

Leverage exclusive access to advisors, funding opportunities, ~100 intimate and impactful members-only events per year, and more, to catalyze growth, learn new skills, and reach key milestones quicker.

Experience a
high-touch community (that truly cares) with direct access to our team and a personalized member experience with curated business opportunities, subject matter experts, and a content library of 100+ educational sessions to help you turn your dreams into reality.

colorful numerous crosses shaped like square as a decor element
A vibrant sunburst with colorful lines as a decor element
A group of women smiling and gathered around a cake with a candle shaped like a number 10, celebrating together.

We’ve spent 10+ years building the

ultimate support system for you.

✦ Established 2013 ✦

Join a powerful community that values quality over quantity and connection over surface-level networking. 

Dreamers & Doers is a fit for you if:

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colorful numerous crosses shaped like square as a decor element
Two women leaders watch and cheer as an Asian woman leader speaks into a microphone
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Gradient check mark

You're seeking a collective of powerful women that have your back.

You believe in paying it forward and that a rising tide lifts all boats. 

You're looking for a diverse ecosystem vs. a specialized group.

You welcome raising your profile through PR.

You've achieved meaningful success in your life⁠—you're able to give back and be a resource to others.

Dreamers & Doers is inclusive to all women and non-binary individuals who fit our membership criteria, regardless of biological gender, preferred pronouns, or given names.

  • Who is Dreamers & Doers’ private collective for?
    Membership is geared towards women* who are both impressive and values-driven. Ideal members have spentat least a handful of years immersed in their careers/companies (in many cases, several decades) and are interested in joining the collective to seriously uplevel themselves while supporting other extraordinary entrepreneurial women. We define “entrepreneurial” broadly as we believe in building a strong ecosystem and understand that our roles within this ecosystem may shift. If you’re a founder, an investor, a journalist, working at a startup, are in an innovation role within a corporation (or are committed to shifting the status quo in other ways) Dreamers & Doers may be a fit for you. *Dreamers & Doers is inclusive to all women and non-binary individuals who fit our membership criteria, regardless of biological gender, preferred pronouns, or given names.
  • How do you compare to other communities?
    We optimize for impact on your business and career, emphasize quality over quantity with our offerings and members, and are a values-driven community. We deeply believe in the power of mutual support, which is reflected in our highly curated events, resources, and the ethos of our collective - built on authentic, true connection.
  • How should I think about my membership investment?
    Dreamers & Doers’ private collective isn’t for everyone. We value quality over quantity. We are interested in women who are serious about investing in themselves and their future while supporting others. For these extraordinary women, we’ve crafted a membership experience that aims to overdeliver. The benefits of Dreamers & Doers’ private collective are visibility, a highly curated powerful network, and plenty of opportunities and resources for you to uplevel. The opportunity to invest in Dreamers & Doers' membership comes at a fraction of the cost of hiring a PR firm, attending industry conferences, joining a co-working space, or hiring expert coaches/freelancers - all activities and investments that yield comparable results to joining Dreamers & Doers' private collective (although, we never aim to entirely replace these use cases, depending on your particular needs). Our members view their membership as a business expense that serves the dual purpose of increasing their chances of success while improving their wellbeing. Extraordinary things happen when you surround yourself with extraordinary women.
A quote that reads "A New Way of Doing Business – HuffPost"
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A collage of 3 women leaders smiling
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What's included:

Curated Community

Find your personal advisory board with our rigorously curated community of extraordinary, authentic, and generous women. Connect deeply through monthly 1x1 matches, small group masterminds, our virtual private collective, and more.

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White Check Mark

PR Hype Machine™

Build credibility, establish yourself as a thought leader, and maximize your impact in the world with multiple features in reputable publications throughout the year with content partners like Nasdaq, Thrive, and Motherly.

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Education, Events & Directory

Benefit from 100+ carefully crafted educational and connection-focused events each year. You can attend (and lead!) expert workshops, masterminds segmented for 6, 7, and 8-figure business leaders, magical community gatherings, and more.

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Trajectory-Shifting Resources

From direct access to advisors and journalists to speaking gigs to special funding opportunities, we’ve got you covered. We also curate a whole library of ongoing offers and special perks to accelerate your journey and save you money.

A collage of Black and White women leaders smiling joyfully
White Check Mark

Team Invested in You

Benefit from our high-touch approach where serving you is our absolute priority and joy. You’ll have direct access to our devoted team, dedicated to enhancing your membership experience and supporting your entrepreneurial success.

A white sunburst as a decor element
A quote that reads "Opening Doors for Female Founders - Forbes"


CEO & Co-Founder, DIG LABS ✦ Member since 2019 

"The PR opportunities alone have been amazing value for the membership fee! I love this collective and am so honored to be a part of it."

"Dreamers & Doers is extremely well-managed and active—this is the true differentiator. I've benefited immensely from the resources shared."

headshot of Tara Zedayko

Why members love PR Hype Machine™

We've designed the most impactful and convenient way for you to build major clout!

Raise your profile through exclusive media placements, podcast and speaking opportunities.

Here's how we do it—thanks to our most incredible content partners and editorial team:

Create&Cultivate logo
Blogher logo
Business Insider logo
Motherly logo
Nasdaq logo
Hearstlab logo
Thrive Global logo
Crunchbase logo
Ladies Get Paid logo
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A collage of 3 women leaders smiling joyfully

Get featured via exclusive media placements
24+ opportunities per year (
see examples).

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Case Study

Ari Krzyzek

"Dreamers & Doers' PR Hype Machine has been invaluable for amplifying my personal brand and business."


CEO of Chykalophia

A few (of many) actual PR placements Ari secured through PR Hype Machine

Dreamers&Doers LinkedIn article screenshot
Create&Cultivate article screenshot
Forbes article screenshot
HearstLab article screenshot
Causeartist article with an illustration of two women working at laptops in a professional setting. The headline reads: "10 W
BlogHer article screenshot

"My website’s SEO score has tremendously benefitted from the features I secured through PR Hype Machine."

Carrie Shaltz Headshot


Founder of Tabeeze

Ready to join?

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A vibrant sunburst with colorful lines as a decor element
A vibrant sunburst with colorful lines as a decor element
Headshot of Yewande Faloyin


CEO & Founder, OTITỌ Member since 2020

"But the community is still by far my favorite part. I've connected with incredible and generous women who've had such a positive impact on my business and life!"

"A whole year of Dreamers & Doers membership cost me less than hiring a PR agency for a single month! I've built serious momentum thanks to the PR. It's been both super convenient and impactful."

A vibrant sunburst with colorful lines as a decor element


We accept a limited number of new members once a quarter. By submitting your application, your information will be reviewed at the next Membership Committee meeting.

The deadline to apply for the current quarter is Thursday, May 1, 2025.

Results will be announced via email on May 8. Accepted members gain access to the community that same day.

equivalent to $250/month





equivalent to ~$208/month







black female hand with pointing finger
black female hand with pointing finger__

We offer a limited number of partially sponsored memberships each quarter for extraordinary women from marginalized communities who have faced higher barriers to access. If the membership fee is a barrier and you think you may qualify, click here to learn more.

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Transform your personal and professional life with an incredibly generous, powerful, and authentic network of women.

A screenshot of the email “Wow, this literally brought a tear to my eye seeing it in real life and with a headline that is so perfect for what we do. This is the first-ever article about Raddle and I couldn't thank you all enough and for creating such a powerful community with DD. ❤️” And included screenshot of Nasdaq article feature. Sent by Liyani Rodriguez
Screenshot of the tweet "The relationships I've built inside Dreamers & Doers are literally priceless. From friendships, to supporters, to customers, to connectors (and everything in between), I mean it when I say that my business would not exist today (and certainly wouldn't be as successful) without @dreamyhumans by my side" by Erin Halper (@erin.halper)
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  • Who is Dreamers & Doers’ private collective for?
    Membership is geared towards women* who are both impressive and values-driven. Ideal members have spentat least a handful of years immersed in their careers/companies (in many cases, several decades) and are interested in joining the collective to seriously uplevel themselves while supporting other extraordinary entrepreneurial women. We define “entrepreneurial” broadly as we believe in building a strong ecosystem and understand that our roles within this ecosystem may shift. If you’re a founder, an investor, a journalist, working at a startup, are in an innovation role within a corporation (or are committed to shifting the status quo in other ways) Dreamers & Doers may be a fit for you. *Dreamers & Doers is inclusive to all women and non-binary individuals who fit our membership criteria, regardless of biological gender, preferred pronouns, or given names.
  • How do you compare to other communities?
    We optimize for impact on your business and career, emphasize quality over quantity with our offerings and members, and are a values-driven community. We deeply believe in the power of mutual support, which is reflected in our highly curated events, resources, and the ethos of our collective - built on authentic, true connection.
  • How should I think about my membership investment?
    Dreamers & Doers’ private collective isn’t for everyone. We value quality over quantity. We are interested in women who are serious about investing in themselves and their future while supporting others. For these extraordinary women, we’ve crafted a membership experience that aims to overdeliver. The benefits of Dreamers & Doers’ private collective are visibility, a highly curated powerful network, and plenty of opportunities and resources for you to uplevel. The opportunity to invest in Dreamers & Doers' membership comes at a fraction of the cost of hiring a PR firm, attending industry conferences, joining a co-working space, or hiring expert coaches/freelancers - all activities and investments that yield comparable results to joining Dreamers & Doers' private collective (although, we never aim to entirely replace these use cases, depending on your particular needs). Our members view their membership as a business expense that serves the dual purpose of increasing their chances of success while improving their wellbeing. Extraordinary things happen when you surround yourself with extraordinary women.
A vibrant colorful circular shape as a decor element
Decor element - Vibrant sunburst with colorful lines
A black and white photo collage of four joyful women.

Turning your dreams into reality—
a few of your D&D team members!

Dreamers & Doers is built differently and with  ❤.

We are (intentionally) bootstrapped, don’t invest in traditional marketing, and only work with a very select number of corporate partners. Our #1 aim is to make an impact on our members' lives and to serve them with integrity. For us, this requires thoughtful growth.


→ Read more about our "slow & steady" approach in this article.

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